
Young Voices 2025

On Monday we took 50 children (25 each from Wood End and Dordon) to the BP Pulse Live Arena in Birmingham. After months of rehearsal the children were excited and ready.
We rehearsed as a choir of 5518 children in the afternoon, learning to sing with the special guests and following the instructions of the conductor.
At 7pm, the lights went down, the torches went on and the screams mounted to a crescendo. Then the concert began with all of our children singing their hearts out. What an experience!
It is always amazing to see the initial awe and wonder on the faces of the children as they realise the size of the choir. 
As always, the behaviour of our pupils was impeccable. #TeamDordend made us proud. They sat quietly when they needed to be an audience and then participated with enthusiasm when they were asked. 
Thank you to all the parents who attended and supported their children. Although we could not see you clearly because of the lights, knowing you were there meant so much to the children. 
Experiences like this do not happen without planning. Thank you to Mrs Smith, Miss Fellows, Miss Purcell and Mrs Deakin for preparing the children before the event by learning the songs. Thank you also to Mrs Duller for stepping in at the last minute to accompany us. The adults gave up their time after school and on the day to ensure the children got the most they could out of the experience, and I am extremely grateful. Without them, this simply could not happen.
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