
Safe and Active Travel

We were delighted to win the gold award for Safe and Active Travel last academic year and we will be applying for it again this year. The programme is led by Warwickshire county council and promotes the following:

  • Improving pupil, parent and staff’s health and wellbeing by encouraging walking, scooting, and cycling.
  • Active travel can increase pupil’s concentration by up to four hours
  • Fifteen minutes of exercise can improve a child’s mood and contributes to their recommended 60 minutes of exercise per day
  • Increasing road safety amongst pupils and consolidating the knowledge gained from their Road Safety Education lessons
  • Reduce congestion and vehicle use around the school
  • Improves air quality and the local environment
  • Improves awareness of walking and cycling routes around the school

Over the course of the year our pupils will be included in lessons, competitions and even bike riding in the local area to learn more about staying safe and healthy both in and out of school.

Take a look at our certificate and trophy!