


The final week of term never fails to disappoint! It is both a celebration of the children's achievements but it is also a farewell to Year 6.


We celebrated Falcon 6 in their final performance of 'Prison Break' on Wednesday morning and witnessed the children trying to escape from primary school. It was very amusing and some of the crimes the children were accused of were very apt. Staff also had the pleasure of joining Falcon at their prom on Wednesday evening where they danced the night away, or in this case, had a whole lot of food and pop!

I want to wish Year 6 the best of luck in September and remind them that they are always a huge part of our jigsaw no matter where they are!


On Thursday, we held our final GEMS assembly of the academic year. The winners were so proud when they were standing at the front and receiving the praise they evidently deserved.


Finally, we invited Joe the ice-cream man to Dordon this week to treat our winning House, Fiennes! The children enjoyed their ice-cream in the sun (I might have had one too even though I'm in Earhart shhhh).


It is always emotional at this time of year, especially when I stand at the gate and think back to September when the children were starting and how far they have come.  I always encourage parents to look at their children's books when they bring them home at the end of the year, and focus on the work in September to that of July, it is truly impressive to see the progress which has been made.  


Have a wonderful summer Dordon!

Miss McGroarty

Associate Headteacher